improving Employment opportunities

FOR ARMED FORCES FAMILIES and supporting organisationS

Partner Employment Working Group (PEWG) are dedicated to finding solutions and shining a light on the incredible contributions of the Military Community.

Armed Forces Family outside married quarters
Armed Forces Community sat round a table
A military Spouse Veteran working in her Bicycle Repair Shop
A icon of a professional person and stars

Experienced professionals to help guide you with UK and overseas advice

An icon showing three people and a heart shape

Support the employer and our armed forces families

An icon showing a handshake and three stars

Get support from a unique collaboration of like-minded organisations

Naval Officer Family Reunion
A military Spouse completes business paperwork
A military couple saying goodbye

Addressing the challenges faced by Armed Forces Families

The Armed Forces community faces unique challenges when it comes to employment and career opportunities; frequent relocations, limited job prospects and difficulties in translating military skills into civilian roles can make it challenging for individuals and their families to build stable and fulfilling careers.

At the Partner Employment Working Group (PEWG), we understand these struggles and are here to help.




HELP for Your Employment Journey

We offer a range of services and resources designed to address the specific needs of Armed Forces Families.

Our primary focus is on providing information, signposting, and supporting individuals and their families in navigating the complexities of employment within the Military Community.

Whether it's finding employment opportunities, understanding legal requirements for overseas postings, or accessing resources for career development, we are here to guide you every step of the way.

we believe in the power of collaboration

and the strength of the armed forces community

“We are driven by the belief that by working together, we can overcome the challenges faced by Armed Forces Families and create a better future for all.
Our dedication to finding solutions and shining a light on the incredible contributions of the Military Community is at the heart of everything we do.”

The Partner Employment Working Group Team
The Partner Employment Working Group Team at the Celebrating Forces Families Awards

Partner Employment Working Group (PEWG)

The Partner Employment Working Group Team in a meeting

We pride ourselves on our collaborative approach and the unique partnership between 15 like-minded organisations. With over a decade of experience, we have a proven track record of success in improving employment outcomes for Armed Forces Families.

Our commitment to collaboration, volunteer work, and finding creative solutions sets us apart from other organisations.

With PEWG you can be confident that you are working with a trusted and credible team that understands the challenges you face.

Elevate Your Career While SUPPORTING the Armed Forces Community

Avoid the frustration and uncertainty that often comes with navigating your career. Our resources and support can help you make informed decisions, access opportunities, and overcome obstacles. Additionally, by engaging with PEWG, you will have the opportunity to connect with like-minded organisations and people, and contribute to the collective effort of improving employment outcomes for others in the Armed Forces community.

Realise your full potential, access exclusive resources, and connect with a truly supportive community.

Our partners